Saturday, December 29, 2007

Who says it’s not Possible in Drug Rehab?(via Worldwide Drug Addiction News)

You have wasted too much of your life.  Your relationship is too damaged.  Your health is permanently affected and can never be recovered.  You have ruined your reputation forever.  Your criminal record will follow you anywhere.  With so many things you cannot change, why even try drug rehab?  These blanket statements have the same thing in common.  They are not true.  Ever!

You may have wasted 50% of your life.  You may have wasted even more.  No person has wasted 100% of their life.  How can you say learning to walk and speak was a waste of time?  How can you say breathing is a waste of time?  The other thing about these statements is that they all involve judgement.  Who is making that judgement?  Where are these rules written? 

In a drug rehab program you can improve all of these areas.  You can use your time more wisely today.  You can improve any realtionship today, simply by being calm and peaceful, (even if they are not speaking to you).  You can tell the whole truth today.  You can be successful in today, no matter what happened in your past.  There is a great video of Lance Armstrong.  In it on a practise day he is riding his bike when they tell him it is snowing ahead.  The say the road is impassable and he will have to stop.  It is not possible to finish the ride.  He calmly looks over and says, "Who says it's not possible?".  He then looks back at the road, and keeps on riding.

Do not let other people's decisions and rules tell you what is possible in drug rehab.  Challenge all or nothing blanket statements.  Set defintions in your life that support you and what you know in your heart you are supposed to do.  Even if this was your last day on earth, you can still make it "the best last day ever".  It is always possible to improve.

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