Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Change Your Course, not your Goal in Drug Rehab(via Worldwide Drug Addiction News)

In life there are times when things do not work out as you had hoped.  The sobriety and life you want and desire has slipped out of your grasp. What do you do?  Do you give up?  Do you change your goals to something you can reach?  Do you just give up on change and drug rehab, and stay addicted?

No of course not.  It is imporant that you challenge your methods, and constantly ask, "Is there a better way to make this happen?"  Ask if you are missing something.  Ask if you need an outside opinion.  The question to stay away from is about the validity of your goal and the worthiness of yourself.  By charting the course and working at it, you are deemed worthy.  If the drug rehab program is not working for you, look at how you can learn it or try it in a different place or method.  "How can I try this again, and give myself a better chance than last time?  This is a question to ask.

Drug rehab is about being flexible in your course and your methods, it is not a place to lower or change your real dreams.

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