Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Don’t do Drug Rehab in your Own Back Yard!(via Worldwide Drug Addiction News)

There is not a single day that goes by that we don't get asked the question, "Do you know of a good drug rehab center by ________?"  You can fill in their home town.  People would like to very close to their family and friends for support. I always try to point out this may not be the best possible choice.  If it were just up to support of family and friends most people would have changed already and would not need to go to drug rehab.

Being very close to home makes it really easy to quit.  If all you have to do is jump in a cab and get a ride home from the drug rehab center, the temptation is very large to quit. I don't care how motivated you are, and how wonderful the staff is, there will be moments of doubt.  There will be also moments of euphoria where you are convinced you know it all, and are ready to leave early.  If you are at least an airplane ride away from home, you will have time to resist that temptation.  You usually cannot get a plane ride out that same day with spending a LOT of money on airfare.  Having to wait an extra day means having the time to remember why you came to drug rehab.  It gives time to reconsider you hasty decision.  When it comes to the question of where to go for drug rehab, the answer is simple.  Go at least 500 or more miles away.  Go to the other side of the country.  Leave the coun! try.  Just do not go "down the street".  Put the odds of success on your side.

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