Sunday, December 16, 2007

Life is not Fair, so why expect it in Drug Rehab?(via Worldwide Drug Addiction News)

So many events in life are definately not fair.  They are not just, or even handed.  Addiction does not treat all people equally.  Drug rehab treatment and events are not equal either.  Some clients recover more quickly than others.  Some clients seem to put in more effort and yet have less results than other clients in drug rehab. 

You can only control what you can control.  Your effort is oneYour beliefs are another.  Your goals and dreams are the third.  If you are true to the first two, the third will take shape in some form or another, but it may not be on your desired time schedule.  Efforts and beliefs feed on eachother.  However something wonderful happens when you combine the first two.  On some level the third, maning the outcome purely become the result.  The joy, happiness and fulfilment are found in the pursuit of a worthwhile goal.  Many times the achieving the actual goal is almost an anti-climax.

If your particular journey through addiction and rehab is riddled with hardship and seemingly unfair results, you are not alone.  Everyone pursuing worthwhile goals has detours and "relapses".  Nothing great is accomplished in a straight line.  Stop judging if something is fair or not.  Stop being purely results orientated.  Start looking at progress, growth and skill development.  Keeping working on your effort, and your belief in the value of your goal.  If the first time you went to drug rehab didn't work, go again.  Look for another opportunity to grow.  If you develop the skills of a sober person and focus on them, eventually you will be one.

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