Monday, December 10, 2007

The Value of Spirituality in Drug and Alcohol Rehab(via Worldwide Drug Addiction News)

In a drug and alcohol rehab program, sometimes spirituality gets a bad rap.  I think it is because a lot of people misdefine or confuse spirituality with religion.  Religion is centered around a group connection with god or some similar leader.  It has established rules and rituals.  Sprituality is simply a quest to find a higher meaning for the events in your life.  Sprituality is about finding a set of beliefs for principles to guide you when things in your life make no immediate sense to you.

Religion may have a place in for some people in drug rehab whom the religion has meaning.  However sprituality has a place in every drug and alcohol rehab center.  The reason for this is very simple.  Sprituality has the ability to keep you sober.  Sprituality can let you see the day to day events of your life in a different life.  What do you want you life to unltimately stand for?  What is the ultimately purpose of your life? These are questions that really can only be addressed for some sort of spiritual plane. 

The reason yoga and other meditative methods are useful in drug and alcohol rehab programs is the ability to decrease stress and control stress, the major cause of relapse.  Having a purpose and knowing what you really stand for in your life decreases the level of stress as well.  It allows you to develop a set of principles to guide you.  This is the value of spiritual contemplation.

So if you are considering a drug and alcohol rehab center please do not let any discussions of spirituality keep you from going.  Sprituality is about your decisions, for your life, that support you.  It is not about others rules for you. 


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