Thursday, December 27, 2007

Birthdays and Drug Rehab(via Worldwide Drug Addiction News)

There are lots of celebrations in a drug and alcohol rehab center.  Anniversaries and birthdays and the like all occur to some of the clients while they are attending and learning from a drug rehab program.  Christmas was the biggest of them that just past.  I do not know if it the stress of being away from your family, or just the fact of all the Christmas's that have gone by, and been wasted by drugs and alcohol, but things get a little crazy in a drug rehab around holidays.  Our was no exception this year.  Somehow it seems to turn from a celebation of what you have, into a pitty party of what you are missing by being in drug rehab during these special days.

It is as always a problem of focus.  Pitty parites always start with a question that begins with "why".  Action and mental well being always start with a question that begins with "what".  That may seem like a gross oversimplification, but in reality and practise it is not.  Why does this alway happen to me? Why am I here?  Why don't they listen?  Why am I in this supid drug rehab?

What is going well today?  What have I learned here?  What can I do today to help someone else?  What is the most important thing in my life right now? 

Can you see the vast difference that one word can make.  It will make a huge difference in your stay at drug rehab, even if it not your birthday.  Take care and have a great day!


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