Friday, December 21, 2007

Ten top Legal Drugs involved in Drug Rehab(via Worldwide Drug Addiction News)

We hear about cocaine and heroin all the time when talking about drug rehab.  Cocaine and crack have taken a huge toll on society.  Meth is the new rising star so the speak in the world of illicit drugs.  What about prescription drugs that get abused?  Which of those are searched about more often than the rest.  We read in the news all the time about oxycontin.  This narcotic pain medication has caused more than a few clients to enter a drug rehab center.  Interestingly though it is not even in the top five searches for legal drugs with adictive potential.  The winner in this category is Ultram or by it's other name, Tramadol.  It holds down the number one and the number two spots on the top ten list.  Interested in seeing them all?  Click here and see the top ten and the next ten that didn't quite make the list.

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