Friday, December 21, 2007

“TAKE AWAY” does NOT work in Drug Rehab(via Worldwide Drug Addiction News)

Drug rehab is not about removing stuff from your life.  If you just remove or take away things, you crave and want them even more.  Drug rehab is about finding things that support and work within your life better and more consistently then drugs or alcohol ever did.  Drug rehab is about adding so many wonderful and new activities to your life there is literally no room left for these negative behaviors.

No matter how poorly your life may have been when you were using drugs and alcohol, they served some purpose in your life.  They were part of the fabric and coping mechanisms you had at that time.  You have to replace them and add new coping solutions if you want a life that is more than simply counting a negative, like 43 days since I have had a drink.  Without new and better stress solutions, there will come a time when you face a new and tough situation, you will want to revert back to your old solution, drinking and drugs.  When faced with tough situations people tend to go back to their oldest and most trusted methods

Just taking away things in sobriety will mean your only recourse is to hang on and "white knuckle" these situations in your life.  Make drug rehab more than take away or counting negatives. Make drug rehab a chance to learn and relearn all the things you feel you need to become the best you can be.  When you leave drug rehab, you want to have a new bag full of better ideas and methods to cope in your life.  It is not about stopping drugs.  It is about starting life.

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