Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Learning to be Bored in Drug Rehab(via Worldwide Drug Addiction News)

Drug rehab has a lot of things to teach those who are ready to change their life.  It is ironic that one of the skills many of our clients need to learn at a drug rehab center in how to be bored.  Maybe a better explaination would be you have to learn what to do when you are bored without resorting to to drugs and alcohol to relieve that feeling.  Being bored can be very stressful.  It makes time feel like it is standing still.  Boredom has the power to make us feel powerless and insignificant in the world around us.

The key to boredom is having stucture and goals with plans.  If you have laid out how you are going to use your time to it's fullest, then you have something to fal back on when plans go sideways and maybe there is nothing to do at that moment.  Like most things in life, however they can be improved with a good question.  If you find yourself with a block of time in a drug rehab center and you feel bored, try to answer these questions. 

1) What one thing could I do right now to practice a skill I need to improve for my sobriety?

2) What one thing could I do for someone else here at the drug rehab center to help them practice or learn something they need to learn for their sobriety?

3) What one thing can I do right now to improve my health?

4) What one thing can I do right now to connect with and help someone in my life?

Being bored is simply a learned skill.  You can choose to unlearn it or learn something else.  How many bored babies are there?  Drug rehab programs are not meant to entertain you.  Drug rehab programs are meant to provide a safe enviroment for you to learn in.  Look at the empty time in your day to be the chance to learn how not to be bored.

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