Monday, December 17, 2007

Anger from Families of those in Drug Rehab(via Worldwide Drug Addiction News)

Addiction is a condition where one person gets it and yet everyone comes down with it.  Drug rehab is a place where the "cure" will either work for everybody, or it won't work for EVERYBODY.  I was chatting on the phone with a mom recently.  She was checking out her options.  Her grown child was in need of another stay in drug rehab.  A thirty day stay earlier this year hadn't worked as they relapsed less than a week after finishing.

I spent some time and explained 30 day programs are just not enough for a lot of people to have the time, to learn all they need to in order to make the change.  I know she was listening.  I know she cares deeply.  Still I could feel a level of anger within her.  She was angry that the previous drug rehab hadn't worked.  She could not find the faith at the moment to spend the money to try again.  I think there are moments when anger will come out from family members.  They have gone to great lengths living with the effects of addiction.  They have spent time and money trying to help someone else deal with their addiction.  It is ok to be angry once in a while.  It is ok to be angry about the bad behavior.  It is ok to be angry about the lies and deception.

Just do not let this anger stop you from acting.  Do not let this anger stop you from remembering what your ultimate goal is.  Getting angry is human, staying angry is not.  Remember to focus on the things you can control.  Remember to take care of your health.  Remember if drug addiction were truly easy to leave behind, you family member would have changed already.  Drug rehabs exist because change in this area is not easy.  It is not a sure thing.  It is also far better than doing nothing.

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