Tuesday, December 25, 2007

What If Nobody Notices the Change After Drug Rehab?(via Worldwide Drug Addiction News)

Losing weight is a visible change.  Everyone will notice it and most people will comment on it. While you may lose or gain weight in drug rehab, most of the changes you make will be on the inside.  While your behavior will change, most people may not notice the real change and believe it for a long time.  Before you went into drug rehab they may have been let down so many times, that even if they notice the change after rehab they still may hold back.  They are waiting to see if you revert back to the same behavior you exhibited before going to drug rehab.

This may not seem fair, and it will add stress to your life.  It is isolating to change, and feel nobody really knows who you are.  If you are going to prevent this from changing your emotional state, and lead you back to drug use, you have to have a plan.  What if nobody really does not notice all the improvements you have worked on in a drug rehab program?  The answer is simple.  You have to notice.  You have to chart and measure your progress.  And you have to keep that progress in front of yourself at all tiime.  Start counting the productive hours you put in a day.  Compare that to before drug rehab.  Look at the feeling you get when you wake up sober and not hung over.  Compare that to the mornings before drug rehab.

Over time people will notice, and the nice part about that is it won't matter to you.  You will have noticed.  You will see the progress. You will be the one making a difference. 

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