Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Absolute best Christmas Present Ever, Drug Rehab(via Worldwide Drug Addiction News)

I was talking to an individual a few days ago.  They had a few concerns that had grown and were now ruining their life.  Ultimately they decided to get help.  Once they had made the decision they come to realize something which was giving them great comfort in this time of turmoil.  They were going to give their family the best Christmas present in years.  It is peace of mind.  By entering a drug rehab center before the holidays, their family could relax.  There would be no stressed out hovering, wondering if another holiday would be ruined by being intoxicated.  No door slamming and leaving in the middle of the night.  No apologies and promises of change in the morning.  It takes courage to leave at a time when everyone is getting together and celebrating family.  It takes self sacrifice to be willing to miss out on some todays to you can have a bunch of great tomorrows.  I woul! d like to take this moment to thank all of those individuals across this country who took the better path this year.  They took action to make this Christmas a good one for their families and entered a drug rehab center before the holidays.  Merry Christmas and best wishes in the New Year!

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