Friday, December 14, 2007

Lack of Truth and Drug Rehab(via Worldwide Drug Addiction News)

In a drug rehab center and subsequently when someone leaves one skill above all others with determine the success and fate of the client.  Drug rehab teachs skills in many areas.  These skills are are truly not powerful unless match with one thing, the ability to tell the WHOLE truth.  Drug rehab is about learning to truly manage stress in your life, finding your purpose and making real connections with people.  

The one thing that blocks and reverses this faster than anything possible is lying and witholding the truth to those people in your life.  Remembering and covering up lies requires vast amounts of energy and is always extremely stressful.  A polygraph is not a lie detector.  It measures stress responses in your body which the operator uses to judge truth or not.

Witholding truth, or lying by omission involve chopping your life into compartments.  Again this takes a great deal of energy.  Remembering exactly how much of the truth you told.  Living one type of life in compartent A, and another type of life in compartment B.  You re not two people, you are a single person.  This type of lying always creates guilt and distance to those you are manipulating and misleading.  It does not matter if you run away where you are, or if you run away to a different country or part of the word. This is very stressful.

Stress will lead to relapse.  So try as you might, there is no sobriety without being truthful in your life.  There is no sobriety when you live separate lives.  You do not have to go in your past and expose every detail and lie.  You do in the moment of your life today and in the future tell the truth and not leave out any details which might allow someone else in your life to draw any conclusion other than the correct one.   Lying will keep you from success in your drug rehab program.  Lying will lead to relapse after it.

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