Monday, January 21, 2008

You must Believe you deserve a Better life in Drug Rehab!(via Worldwide Drug Addiction News)

There are two battles in dealing with drug and alcohol addiction.  The first one involves getting someone into a drug and alcohol rehab center.  Getting someone to the place where they see the need to change and the belief that the drug rehab they have chosen can teach them the changes and skills they need.  The second battle involves the individuals definition of their own self worth. 

Many clients will sobotage their own efforts in drug rehab in the misguided belief that somehow they are not worth a great life.  Fortune telling statments like, "I'm going to screw up and relapse anyway, so why even bother?"  Or looking back at some of the very negative behaviors and deeds they have done in the past, they fear that "karma" will catch up with them and they are not going to be successful after rehab. 

The way out of this self sabotage is to point out they and everyone else, really has no ability to predict the future, either positively or negatively.  Nobody has the ability to accuately measure karma.  If they did, they would be very powerful and rich, and probably not in a drug rehab program.  Predictions and assumptions of failure and lack of worthiness are no different that tarot cards and crystal balls.  You deserve a better life, because you are trying to change.  Going to a drug rehab program is an act of courage and faith.  When anyone acts with courage and faith, they deserve a better life.

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