Wednesday, January 23, 2008

There is no avoiding Pain in Drug Rehab(via Worldwide Drug Addiction News)

We have gotten better at most things in the world over the last 20 years, and drug rehab treatment is one of them.  We are starting to understand human behavior at a level deeper than ever before in history.  We are also much better at changing patterns of thinking around addiction than before.  Cognitive Therapy is probably the most efficient vehicle to change thought patterns that has ever been developed.

There is however no free ride.  If you are looking for a drug rehab program that will help you change, but somehow you will experience no discomfort, no regret, no sadness, in other words no pain on the way to changing, you most likely will be disappointed.  Life is filled with these emotions.  People who never use drugs and alcohol and have lead fairly normal and successful lives still feel them. They are a part of life, every life. On some level it is the endless search for a pain free existance that is at the heart of all addiction, drug or otherwise.  It is the very cognitive distortions that keep us addicted, that are the basis of our endless running away from pain.  The first is the all or none thinkng that the pain and regret you are feeling will last forever.  Nothing lasts forever, pain included.  Plus there is the fortune telling and predicting of the future, that a life without drugs wi be boring and! painful.  Again, nobody is born with an accurate crystal ball for the future.  Learning to deal with pain in real life, sithout medication is an important part of drug rehab.  Don't miss it.

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