Monday, January 28, 2008

Yardsticks and Measurements in Drug Rehab(via Worldwide Drug Addiction News)

In drug rehab there is definately a limited amount of time available.  People do not stay in rehab for long periods of time.  Most clients stay in a drug rehab center from one to three months.  To maximize the potential for change, it is wise to utilize all the available methods for improving the rate of change.  One of the more effective methods uses the value of measurement.  Could you imagine trying to lose weight without ever having a scale around.  How would you know what worked?  How would you stay motivated when changes visually occur very slowly. 

Drug rehab is very similar.  You will not see the changes visually for a few weeks at least.  Health and body changes occur at a slow rate.  Relationships improve at a slow rate.  Trust is rebuilt at a slow rate.  What yardstaicks can you use in a drug rehab center.  One obvious one is drug and alcohol testing.  As you stack up more and more negative tests in a row, it is proof of your commitment to and evidence of change.  Another useful one is depression indexes.  You may be feeling a little better, but how do you know what is really happening?  By taking a weekly mood index and regularily retaking it and comparing the results, you will be more accurately charting your progress.  This will allow you to alter your efforts as needed which will make for much more effective results.

You can also monitor the improvement in your physical fitness level as all drug rehab programs should have some component of getting back in shape.  Charting your hours of sleep and rating how easily you fell asleep the night before will also allow you to see your return to a normal sleep pattern.  The more things you can accurately relate to a number, the easier and more rapid your change.

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