Thursday, January 24, 2008

Maybe it is the Wisdom to know What to Change in Drug Rehab!(via Worldwide Drug Addiction News)

When pondering your life in a drug rehab center, unfortunately you cannot change everything in the world around you.  Everyone has heard the serenity prayer about knowing the wisdom to tell the difference between what you can change and what you cannot change.  I think there is more to it than just deciding what you can change.  I wonder if sometimes when dealing with an addiction in drug rehab , if we sometimes take the easy road out and say I do not have the power to change this.

However when we look at history many times truly great things have been accomplished by people who set out to complete a task, that by all accounts before they did it was impossible by the standards of their day.  So when looking at your future and deciding what to focus on, it might be wise to for the moment imagine all things are possible to change in drug rehab and your life.  Anything you really think is important is possible, anything.  Real wisdom may lie in the questions you ask about change.  "What things if change in my life will have the MOST impact on the quality of my life and those around me?"   It is never a case of if you can do something.  It is always a case of what are the reasons to do something.  If you get enough reasons, really good reasons to do something in and after drug rehab, you will find a way to make an impact in this area.

There is also the chance that in attempting to change the "unchangeable" in your life you will make all the other changes in your life to make it truly satisfying and great.  Here is what I mean.  Many great physicians and researchers in the last 100 years have been looking for a "cure" for cancer.  Many, especially in th first half of the 1900's made no significant impact on the outcome of cancer patients, for their whole live's work.  At best you could say their work allowed other's to move ahead and make discoveries.  Here is what may be important to remember.  In pursuing a great goal, they developed wisdom, patience, discipline, tenacity, self-sacrifice and a host of other skills.  Not a bad list from a result of NOT having the power to change something.

So if you are really concerned if you will ever have the power to change something ask this question.  "What will I gain and learn personally even if I ultimately do not succeed in changing this in my life?"  If the answer to this question is filled with positive things,  that you might not get any other way, then proceed, even is you do not have the power to change something.

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