Monday, January 7, 2008

Change in Drug Rehab is Solidified on the Bad Days(via Worldwide Drug Addiction News)

In some ways drug rehab is a lot like going to the gym and getting back in shape.  In both you have to work at it every day.  In both, changes may not be visible so quite some time.  In both, you can ruin a lot of hard work with a short binge.  There are days when everything seems easy.  In the gym it is when you can suddenly lift personal bests.  You feel lighter than air and can run forever.  Drug rehab has similar days.  Everything seems to make sense.  Using drugs seems disgusting and you couldn't even imagine taking them.  However it is not on these days that lives are changed, and healthy bodies are built.

It is on the bad days that lifelong habits are forged.  It is on the day that the last thing in the world you want is to go to the gym.  There is no energy in your body.  You can't lift what you normally can.  The same for drug rehab.  It is on the days that nothing seems to make sense. It is on the days where you would rather do anything but go to a group or counseling session.  It is on these days that your sobriety is forged.  It is on these days real trust with your self and others is soliified.  When you can continue for no other reason than "I gave my word that I would do this", this is where real change occurs.  It is where character and resolve are built.  So if you are having a bad day, stop and smile for a second.  Because if it really is a bad day, it then is actually a great day for change!

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