Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Frustration Of Free Drug Rehab(via Worldwide Drug Addiction News)

When people call in the quest to find a free drug rehab center for a friend or family member, the degree of frustration is very high.  Often it is a client themselves who is calling around looking for a solution.  Their addiction has drained all the resources they had and yet need to find money for treatment.  They are stuck in this cycle of they can afford to stay addicted, sort of, but they cannot afford to get clean. 

Weird because the cost of a drug habit is MORE than the cost of the solution.  It is just that you can buy one hours worth of drugs at a time.  The smallest increment of drug rehab treatment you can buy is 1 month.  Because the drug dealers have easier "payments" people stay addicted.  So maybe we don't even need Free drug rehab.  Maybe we only need pay as you go by the day drug rehab.  I know that is a silly statement, and yet I am trying to make the point that if we could be more creative in arranging payments, a lot more people would stop abusing drugs and alcohol.  Most people are not really looking for free drug rehab.  They are looking for a way to attend drug rehab and make payments in the realm the can actually handle.  If you think about it, that is not really an unresonable request.

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