Thursday, January 17, 2008

Relapsing after Drug Rehab, Try Something Else!(via Worldwide Drug Addiction News)

What ever drug and alcohol rehab program you are of have tried, if you keep relapsing back into drug and alcohol abuse, you may want to consider something else.  I know there is the slogan at the end of every 12 step meeting, "Keep coming back, it works!".  I am all for not giving up.  However if you are really giving a quality effort, and your are not getting the desired result, TRY SOMETHING ELSE!  Add something else to what you are attempting.  Try a different style of program.  Try a different location.  Try one that has a large work component.  Try learing something new a different.  Try helping someone else learn.

Many years ago I first heard these words, I'm not sure who said them first.  To repeatedly try the same thing, but to somehow expect a different result, is the definition of insanity.  If you keep doing the same thing, you will get the same result.   No program is 100% sucessful all of the time.  Relapse is a sign that your life and your skill level are not where they have to be.  When you relapse, you need to do something different than what you were doing before the relapse, or you will relapse again, only sooner.   Relapse is not a sign of moral weakness.  It is not a sign of lack of comittment.  It is a sign that you have not completed what you set out to do.  You have more to learn.  Look at what happened that lead to the relapse. What skills if you possessed, would have stopped the progression to the relapse?  Where can you learn those skills?  Once you answer these questions, go ! out and act on them.

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