Saturday, January 12, 2008

Threats never work, in and out of Drug Rehab!(via Worldwide Drug Addiction News)

I'm complaining to your superior!  Just wait til your boos hear's about this.  You will hear from my lawyer!  We hear these phrases every day.  Maybe while you were upset about something, yoy have even said them or something similar.  It is surprising how aften people resort to threats.  In drug addiction and drug rehab, unfortunately threats occur far to often.  Many time it is essentially a threat that gets some people into drug rehab.  The family gets together and says, "If you don't go to drug rehab we are cutting off all contact with…..".  You can fill in what ever was appropriate. 

The problem with threats is two fold.  Firstly they never work long term.  Even if the person gives in they do so with a grudge and will only comply with for while you are looking.  The other danger is ths type of behavior can escalate rapidly.  As people become immune to the threats, each following threat has to be more scary and crushing.  If threatened enough people will react by violently and quickly.

Let's all stop and think about common ground.  Let's think about what we all want ultimately in the future.  Threats degrade us all and are never justified, even when lives are at stake with getting someone into drug rehab.

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