Monday, January 21, 2008

Fantasy in Drug Rehab and Addiction(via Worldwide Drug Addiction News)

Is there danger in letting your mind wander and imagine drug use?  If after attending a drug rehab program should you train your mind to quickly move on to other topics when you mind starts to imagine drug use?  A simpler question to ask might be what good things could happen by slipping into a fantasy of drug use?  That seems like an easier question to answer.  I guess someone could make a sort of remote arguement that in the fantasy you could make drug use painful or damaging and therefore promote sobriety, but I think really there is not a lot of good that can come out of these fantasies.

The real danger lies in that in fantasy, we always have control.  We never get caught.  We never get diseases.  We never get arrested.  Drug rehab is about remembering all these other possibilities.  Fantasy can be a preamble to a real relapse, so is it really worth the risk?  Any behavior that carries a real risk of relapse is just not worth it.  There are simple methods to stop a fantasy in it's tracks and stay focused on the path you chose in drug rehab.  Simply ask yourself a quality question.  "What one thing could I be doing now to make my life better, instead of dreaming about drugs?"  Or how about," What are three negative things that will happen if I experiment with drugs again?  This will stop any fantasy cold in it's tracks.  Play it smart, dream about things that really will make your life better.

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